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Evelyn Cajero 



Marissa Garza




Charlyn Lagpacan


Hi! My name is Charlyn Joy Lagpacan and I am an Industrial & Systems Engineering major. I was born and raised in Eastside, San Jose. I chose this major because I found it interesting how being in ISE, you can use critical decision-making skills to optimize complex processes and systems in all sectors of activity like energy, healthcare, production, and transportation. Growing up, I always knew that I wanted to be a woman in STEM and that engineering was the right path for me. In the future, I hope to be responsible for optimizing the efficiency and productivity of healthcare systems. I love fashion, collecting shoes, and gaming. A fun fact about me is I have a twin sister and we are born an hour apart naturally.


I decided to join Alpha Omega Epsilon to have that strong support system by my side and I can honestly say I found that. I also never had that older sister figure in my life growing up and I can say that the girls are all inspiring and very hard-working individuals and I feel like they help provide that missing piece in my life. I’m excited to continue this journey and be able to grow with my sorority sisters and make sure we all reach our goals as women in STEM.

Sydney Madayag


Hi! I’m Sydney Madayag, an Electrical Engineering major from Hercules, California. I chose to pursue my undergraduate degree in EE because I love physics and I enjoy hands-on work, such as building circuits. My career goal is to develop and work on renewable electricity sources because sustainability is one of my passions. Whenever I have free time, I like to spend it with my friends and family. I’m also a foodie, so I love trying new foods and restaurants. My simple pleasures include crafting (especially crocheting), listening to music, taking care of my plants, and rewatching my favorite movies and TV shows. I joined Alpha Omega Epsilon because I wanted to make valuable connections with intellectual and driven individuals in STEM. My sorority sisters inspire me to be more assertive, step outside my comfort zone, and take on more leadership roles. They're also my support system because they help ground me when it feels like life is moving too fast. With their support, I can more confidently navigate such a male-dominated field.


Archisha Nangia


Major: Computer Science

Why I Joined: I joined AOE during my first year at SJSU because I was looking for a group of friends with the same interests and major as me! I attended all the rush events and knew that this was the family I wanted to be a part of. All the sisters are welcoming, kind, caring, and fun!
Interests: In my free time I enjoy coding, reading, swimming, and dancing. I also like to eat at new


Natasha Prabhoo


Hello! My name is Natasha Prabhoo, and I'm born and raised in San Jose, California. I'm currently studying Software Engineering at SJSU. I had been fortunate enough to be introduced to coding at a young age and fell in love with it immediately, so it wasn't a difficult decision to pursue Software Engineering and I hope to continue creating and coding after graduating. I joined AOE because I wanted to be part of a community of like-minded, determined and passionate women. In my free time I enjoy painting and making art, playing basketball, and reading sci-fi novels. 


Virali Patel

Hey! I’m Virali and I am a Computer Science major! I grew up in Northern California but traveled to the Bay quite a lot as a kid. I chose Computer Science as my major because I personally really enjoy the creativity and flexibility learning programming has to offer, whether that be in projects or in a work setting. I find it very interesting and rewarding as well. I didn’t realize this until my senior year in high school when it came to picking a major, and I don’t regret it at all. In the future, I want to pursue Software Engineering and my dream job is to work at Microsoft. Some things I enjoy doing are playing with my dog Zaina, going on walks and working out, and spending time volunteering.

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